PERHOUSE: Služby pre osoby a domácnosti (PHS) v krajinách strednej a východnej Európy: Zlepšenie pracovných podmienok a služieb prostredníctvom pracovnoprávnych vzťahov

6. október 2022
On 6 October 2022, the project partners gathered at the kick-off meeting in Bratislava on- site or online. The agenda of the one-day meeting was intensive and started with the introduction of the project and essential framework, then zoomed to the project set-up — practical information about the project timelines and deliverables. Partners shared the key characteristics and challenges related to the PHS sector in the region and at the regional level. In the afternoon, the detailed analytical framework of the upcoming activities in WP2 was presented and discussed, including the possibilities to gain comparable data on the PHS sector. The consortium agreed on the shared storage space, project web page setup, and follow-up steps.